Friday, September 14, 2012

Removing A Lizard

As literal as the title sounds, I'm gonna pen down my stupid behaviour of removing a house lizard - which is pretty well-nourished from its size - using a plastic container and an umbrella.
Usually lizards are rarely bold enough to come into a wide living area as they hide behind TV cabinets and the corner of cupboards, but then this long-time resident appeared near the feng shui fountain at my house and when I moved the nearby containers, it flinched but didn't run away! I thought it was weird, so I went back to have my brunch and watched "13 Going On 30" until 12.30pm.
I went back to check and it was still there at the same spot where it got frightened by me. I took an umbrella and used the tip to hit on the floor, hoping the sound would scare it and it will go back to hide. It still didn't respond... so I used a container to trap it and use the umbrella to push it out of my house and to the corridors (and kept muttering "Sorry!" when its rubbery limbs got caught under the container as I dragged it across the cement floor).
Imagine your neighbour using an umbrella to push a plastic container cautiously at the corridors... wouldn't you think she is mental? Yeah, that's what I thought when my neighbour left her house with her grandson and I just left the container right beside a drain... just in case I look like a crazy person.
I hope the lizard is alright though.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I thought it was a fun post to do after reading on my cousin's blog, so I shall do one myself!

I had been stuffed a durian into my mouth when I was young - don't like being forced to eat something unknown and don't like the taste of that unknown. The flesh tasted mushy, fibre-y, vomit-ish... just every undesirable sensory descriptors characterised into one fruit known as King of the Fruits. Ugh, how can they even say that? I have given this King another chance by eating durian puff when I was in primary school, then it was, like, thanks but no thanks. The texture and taste is still all wrong. I think durian is the only fruit that has more bad health effects than any other fruits?

I don't like the feeling of getting squished/grinded by random people/pervy dudes feeling up my bottom/getting sweaty and trading beads of sweat with the people around me. In fact, my first experience in a club-like place is the mosh pit during Paramore concert. Sure, I was excited that Alex paid for Dennis and me for $98 standing pen tickets to get close to Paramore. But when the opening band departed, the mosh pit squeezed from 3/4 of mosh pit to half of the pit; imagine that. I was being pushed 2-3m away from Dennis and Alex was (happily) being pushed to a far corner near the stage by the crowd. Imagine my delight when I found Dennis standing at the empty area back of the crowd, where I can get aircon and not being pushed around during "Ignorance". With that, I conclude why I don't go to clubs.

Stop saying I am skinny, I am normal sized! In fact, I am putting on weight - not to be bragging - but the fatty areas are not seen 'cos they are all at my tummy. Put me on the weighing scale and see how much I weigh and you will be shocked. I get comments like "You look 45kg!" or "You look like 50kg!". Puh-leese, I weigh a stone more than that alright! I can see my weight jumping 2kg by 2kg as my jeans size increase with an additional muffin top. Gosh, I hate muffin tops!

People find drinking alcohol is to savour while chatting with friends, having a good time. But my life objective about food is that once it is placed in front of me, my mission is to finish it. After finishing, I would have to focus on chatting with my friends. So I don't find drinking alcohol to be cool at all, especially the vomiting and disorientation as your friends carry you to walk. It's not cool at all. Yes, I have a limit because I don't want to reek of alcohol. In fact, I drink on rare occasions, like barbecue and celebratory events or night out with friends, but it's just a cup and that's all. Nothing more than that because I don't like red face + bloodshot eyes + disorientation. Thank you

When there's a perfectly good reason to dress nice to school such as friend's birthday dinner after school, I will wear nicely. If I am in the best of mood, I will wear nicely. Other than that, I will dress in Threadless t-shirt, berms or shorts, slippers and my denim Zara bag. My Mom says I look like I'm heading to the factory to work, but what's there to flaunt about in school? I gotta admit that when I dress nice to school, I don't feel comfortable because I have to wear the outfit WHOLE DAY. By the time school ends, my make-up would have melted; I would have been pespiring; my perfume would have been diminished; hence I would have to go through the trouble of bringing all these stuff to replenish what I have lost, before heading to meet my friends.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Weaknesses

Scrapbooking papers are my new weakness.
I passed by a scrapbooking stall at flea market today and all I saw was "OMG Buy 5 get 1 free" and I contemplated a while... until my boy saw that look on my face and he egged me to take my time to choose the designs I want while he patiently waits beside me to collect the pieces I have chosen.
Oh gosh, how much I love him.
The worst part of liking scrapbooking papers are that I love both sides of the paper and want to use both full areas but I can't bear to bring myself to... so I have to buy two copies. But heh! Who cares, the more papers I collect, the happier I am~
Another weakness I discovered is Marche bakery items. The foods are so big and fluffy and yummy and filling and heavenly! But I always missed out the donuts with fillings :( Who cares, as long as I have my apple and raisin snail buns and donuts coated with icing, I'm a happy kid!