Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Sunday Dinner and Monday Date

Lesson and assignment discussion ended at 12pm and off I go to meeting 大肥 for an unusual Monday date! We planned to eat ice cream, drop by Kooka cafe and play arcade games like little kids. I even suggested Victor's Kitchen for lunch but I presume 70% the menu would be gone by the time we got seats... so we settled for Astons at Bugis+ (previously known as Illuma).

We were starving from the train delays so we picked the yummiest item and the one he had been craving for since last weekend - pork ribs. I ordered the pork chops and it was so tasty and it had just the right juiciness and chewiness. But of course it couldn't be compared to the one we had at Marche Vivocity where the thickness of one pork chop is equivalent to two of Aston's. The thought of it still makes me salivate! Both of us got mac n cheese and garden salad for side dishes and it seemed like everything on Monday fell perfectly in place and chased away my Monday blues. It was the best way to unwind and relax with him before I start mugging for exams.

His pork ribs
My pork chops
I was excited for the Steve Jobs movie, even he was rather excited too... until we finished the movie with a crappy ending. The whole movie is about how he is an - sorry to Steve Jobs up above - asshole for betraying his friends and firing employees just to make sure his company succeeds. Worst of all, the ending felt like as if his story couldn't be told finish by 1.5 hours. Like, someone just ejected your DVD out of the player without you realizing. Yeah, that's how horrible the movie was. Kudos to the casting crew who managed to get actors that resemble 90% like the original characters. I would say Ashton Kutcher's portrayal of Jobs is like watching Kristen Stewart's one-and-only pained expression in "Twilight". Sorry for being brutally honest.

The "Jobs" movie is definitely a movie... wait for it... worth to watch as TV movie premiere on Channel 5 or HBO. Trust me, don't waste your money.

Oh yeah, I dropped by Chef's Hat at Hougang Green for dinner on Sunday with family and I would recommend this place for no-frills and yummy western food! It is a cozy restaurant that caters to about 30 people at most at one time and the chef cooks all the food by himself. It is an open kitchen so you can look over the cashier to peek at what he's doing. My dinner was grilled chicken and prawn aglio olio along with top up of pumpkin soup and calamansi drink. The aglio olio was a tad spicy from the chili padi and a little oilier than I expected, but it didn't leave me jelak or anything... rather I get hungry after eating the food. What's wrong?!

Grilled chicken and prawn aglio olio
Sis wanted to try the chocolate lava cake - and so do I - but the moment I told the cashier I wanted to order desserts, she told me it was sold out. WHAT?! Okay, fine, I shall sulk and head to Wimbly Lu once again to get my chocolate lava cake fix. We settled for Belgian (hmm not really) waffles with cookies and cream and walnut ice cream from New Zealand. The walnut ice cream definitely taste bad... real bad... because the walnuts were rancid and there is this unpleasant "plastic" taste lingering. 

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