Thursday, August 1, 2013

Part-Time Stints When You're Still Young

Seeing friends of friend's or any other young adult (I cannot use "teenager" because I'm no longer one!) working in a cafe or ice cream shop makes me envious most of the time. Not just small eateries, but any part-time jobs that they get to do during their holidays. You must be thinking are you crazy? They don't have enough money that's why they gotta work to earn more! This is the reason why I yearn to have longer holidays - heck 3 months will do just fine! - for me to experience different part-time jobs before I settle for a real and stable job when I graduate.

What I'm gonna mention later may sound very shallow to some of you who have worked as any of the jobs before; this is because it is purely based on my opinion in finding the joys of working at an ice cream shop or cafe.

I wanna scoop ice cream

Well I know... I would definitely not qualify for a round of interview without my makeup on and dolly-eye contact lens because my acne scars and "strawberry nose" is a dead giveaway for someone with really bad (and oily) skin. As much as I wish I could qualify as "ice cream girl" or "cupcake girl" or "yoghurt girl", my friend has the quality but her boyfriend strongly objects to it. The reason is because he feels that his girlfriend is being used as a showgirl or something and didn't like customers to oogle at her. But Adin, being the super sweet and amazing boyfriend that he is, says that I can meet the mark and he would be even happier that if I could get selected during interview because when I'm happy, he's happy. *cues "Aww~"*

I don't mind getting paid $6 per hour, which most people would ask for higher pay, because all I have to do is to scoop ice cream, give free ice cream tastings, clean up the plates, prepare waffles from frozen ones and tend to the cashier. So simple, right? And you don't have to wear a uniform - that's the best part.

I wanna be a barista or cafe assistant at hippie/ulu cafes

Proud to say, I can make espresso, latte and cappucino! All thanks to the training I had at the cafe for my 2nd year poly project that made me drank up to 4 espressos and 2 lattes a day and still able to fall asleep at night. For a clumsy person like me, I should start with cafe assistant which is cashiering, taking out cakes and serving some light snacks to customers. The cafe doesn't have to be big, well thankfully for these hidden gems in Singapore, these chillax cafes have small areas with dim-litted settings.

Being a barista would be a big step for me because the coffees I made had only been drank by me, my teacher or my friends. Oh gosh, I would be a terrible barista.

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